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Updating Data Sources

This section describes how to update the necessary data files each year in order to run a fresh analysis.


1. Get the latest annual supplemental report

Get the most recent Supplemental Report of Revenues and Obligations. It should be available either on the Finance Department's website or you can ask the Audit Division for it. Place it in references/supplementals/.

2. Update annual revenue file

Using the latest Supplemental report, ddd the latest fiscal year revenue totals to "Annual.xlsx" in /data/01_raw/historical/revenues/.

3. Pull the latest quarterly collection numbers

The City releases monthly reports on collections on the Revenue Department's website. The analysis code needs the latest collection numbers for the major taxes. These can be pulled by running:

poetry run fyp-analysis-update

4. Update quarterly revenue file

The Quarterly.xlsx file in the data/01_raw/historical/revenues/ folder holds the quarterly tax revenues since 1996. The data file has a separate sheet for the following taxes:

  • Wage & Earnings (Current Year Only)
  • Sales
  • BIRT
  • Realty Transfer
  • Net Profits (Current Year Only)
  • Parking
  • Amusement


Note that the Wage & Earnings and Net Profits taxes are for the current year only (not total collections).


The sheet entitled Latest Collections Data contains the actual collections data for each quarter from monthly collections reports from the Revenue Department. If you succeeded in running the last step, it should be updated to show the latest numbers.

Each sheet includes detailed instructions about how to update the data. In general, the steps involved are:

  1. For each sheet, use the Latest Collections Data totals to update actual quarterly collections.
  2. Use the latest annual Supplemental Report of Revenues and Obligations to get the audited annual total for each tax. The historical Supplemental reports available in the references/supplementals/ folder.
  3. Given the annual total and quarterly values, update each sheet so the accrual value is automatically determined.
  4. For the current fiscal year, the Q4 collections values are still projected. Use the Budget Office's projection for the annual total and the fiscal-year-to-date collections totals to impute a Q4 collections value.

5. Update actual tax rates

Add the actual tax rates for the current fiscal year for each tax file in the /data/01_raw/historical/rates folder. The tax rates for the historical wage & BIRT rates can be obtained from the model spreadsheets that the Budget Office sends over.


These folders should not contain any projected tax rates. Those go in the file specifiying the plan details (see step #8).

6. Update BIRT splits

Copy over latest actual fiscal year data from the BIRT model spreadsheet (from Budget Office) to the data/01_raw/historical/BIRT-splits.xlsx file. This specifies how much of BIRT comes from the net income portion.

7. Pull the latest CBO forecast.

The latest CBO forecast is used to help constrain future forecasts. To get the latest forecast, see the "Historical Data and Economic Projections" section at

Get the quarterly CSV forecast file and place it in the data/01_raw/cbo/ and be sure to follow the same naming convention to denote which month/year the forecast is from.

8. Create a new file with Plan Details

Details about the five-year projected tax revenues and rates are stored in YAML files in the data/01_raw/plans/ folder (link).

Creating these YAML files for each new Plan is one of the main tasks that must be completed before the analysis begins. A separate file should be created for the original proposal and for the adopted version of the Plan.

This section describes how to create these files. The majority of information comes from the revenue spreadsheet models sent over by the Budget Office during each Plan analysis.


For all taxes except for Sales, revenue totals can be obtained from the Supporting Revenue Schedule spreadsheet, typically named e.g., FYXX-YY Revenues - Taxes.xlsx that is sent over from Budget. This spreadsheet includes revenue totals for each year of the Plan.

Example Revenue Schedule for Five Year Plan


The "Wage" line in the YAML file refers to the Current Year Wage & Earnings line. The "NPT" line in the YAML file refers to the Current Year Net Profits tax.

For the Sales tax, you must pull the total City & School District revenue totals from the Sales Tax revenue spreadsheet sent over by Budget. The file is typically named FYXX-YY Sales Tax Model.xlsx. See the highlighted line (a) below.

Example Sales Tax Schedule for Five Year Plan


The projected tax rates in the Plan can be obtained from the large Five Year Plan proposal document. Typically, any changes to tax rates are emphasized in the Plan documents.

Generally, the Wage & Earnings and BIRT rates are the tax rates that change over the life of the Plan. You can obtain these rates from the revenue spreadsheets sent over by Budget.

In the Wage Tax model (typically named FYXX-YY Wage Tax Model.xlsx):

Wage Tax Rates for Five Year Plan

In the BIRT model (typically named FYXX-YY BPT Model.xlsx for "Business Privilege Tax"):

BIRT Rates for Five Year Plan


The Net Profits tax uses the same tax rates (resident and non-resident) as the Wage & Earnings taxes.

Resident Fractions

The Budget Office assumption for the resident/non-resident splits for the Wage & Earnings and Net Profits taxes can be found in the Wage Tax spreadsheet. These are assumed to be constant over the 5 years of the Plan.

Resident/Non-residents Splits for Wage & NPT

Net Income Fraction

The Budget Office assumption for the amount of BIRT revenue from the net income portion can be found in the BIRT spreadsheet. The fraction changes over the life of the Plan.

Net Income Fraction for BIRT

9. Update the economic indicators

The economic indicators are stored locally in the data/01_raw/indicators/ folder. The data is automatically downloaded as part of the data processing pipeline in the analysis. To get a fresh copy of the indicators downloaded locally, you can set the fresh_indicators parameter to True and run the data processing pipeline using:

poetry run fyp-analysis-run --pipeline dp --params fresh_indicators:True

This will download and store the latest version of all indicators.