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2. The Forecast Prep Pipeline

The forecast prep pipeline is the second step in the analysis code and relies on the final scaled features that are output from the data processing pipeline. It is responsible for preparing for the forecasting steps by calculating correlations between features, a Granger causality matrix, and estimates of the most suitable endogenous features for each tax base.

The code for the pipeline is available in:

src/fyp_analysis/pipelines/forecast_prep/ (link)

General Workflow

The general workflow for the modeling pipeline is:

  1. Calculate the correlation matrix between features
  2. Calculate the Granger causality matrix using functionality from statsmodels
  3. For each tax base, use the Granger matrix to determine which features are suitable to include as endogenous variables in the VAR fit.

Running the Pipeline

To run the forecast prep pipeline, execute:

poetry run fyp-analysis-run --pipeline fp

where fp is short for "forecast prep".


The parameters for the forecast prep pipeline can be set in the file: conf/base/parameters/forecast_prep.yml (link). The parameters are:

  • grangers_maxlag: When testing for Granger causality, check up to this many lags.
  • grangers_max_date: When testing for Granger causality, include data up until this date.


This section outlines the steps (also called nodes) in the forecast prep pipeline. The steps are defined in the src/fyp_analysis/pipelines/forecast_prep/ file. In this file, we define the function to run for each node, as well as the inputs and outputs.

This pipeline will take the scaled features output by the data processing pipeline, calculate feature correlations and a Granger causality matrix.

In python, the pipeline is defined as follows:

def create_pipeline(**kwargs):
    return Pipeline(
                inputs=["final_scaled_features", "params:min_feature_year"],
                inputs=["final_scaled_features", "grangers_matrix"],


As described here, if you are working with IPython or in a Jupyter notebook, you can load any named dataset (the inputs/outputs above) using the catalog.load() function. For example, to load the correlations matrix (the output from step 1), use:

correlations = catalog.load("scaled_feature_correlations")

Step 1: Calculate correlations

  • Function: get_feature_correlations()
  • Purpose: Calculate and plot the correlation between scaled features over time. A correlations figure is saved to the “data / 04_model_input” folder.
  • Inputs:
    • Dataset: final_scaled_features
    • Parameter: min_feature_year
  • Outputs:
    • Dataset: scaled_feature_correlations in the data/04_model_input/ folder

The correlations figure looks like this:

Correlations figure

Step 2: Calculate Granger causality

  • Function: get_grangers_matrix()
  • Purpose: Check Granger Causality of all possible combinations of the time series indicators.
  • Inputs:
    • Dataset: final_scaled_features
    • Parameter: grangers_maxlag
    • Parameter: grangers_max_date
  • Outputs:
    • Dataset: grangers_matrix in the data/04_model_input/ folder

Step 3: Get possible endogenous variables

  • Function: get_possible_endog_variables()
  • Purpose: Get possible endogenous variables for tax base features, based on Granger causality. Return a dictionary of possible endogenous variables based on Grangers causality for each tax base feature.
  • Inputs:
    • Dataset: final_scaled_features
    • Dataset: grangers_matrix
  • Outputs:
    • Dataset: possible_endog_variables in the data/04_model_input/ folder