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The Plan Details

Details about the five-year projected tax revenues and rates are stored in YAML files in the data/01_raw/plans/ folder (link). For a given plan, there should be a separate file for the proposed and adopted versions of the Plan.

There is a specific schema that must be used. See an example YAML file here. This file looks like this:

kind: Proposed
fiscal_years: [2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026]
    Amusement: [12963000, 19657000, 20414000, 21231000, 22063000]
    BIRT: [515503000, 529269000, 545311000, 557186000, 563243000]
    NPT: [25454000, 27282000, 29097000, 31036000, 33265000]
    Parking: [56429000, 73662000, 76837000, 79949000, 83107000]
    RTT: [294859000, 295832000, 304884000, 315281000, 326095000]
    Sales: [336886195, 346319008, 358682597, 372204931, 385678749]
    Wage: [1544731000, 1616891000, 1685156000, 1761687000, 1837646000]
    Amusement: [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]
        gross_receipts: [0.1415, 0.1415, 0.1415, 0.1415, 0.1415]
        net_income: [6.10, 6.00, 5.75, 5.50, 5.25]
        resident: [3.8398, 3.8360, 3.8322, 3.8283, 3.8245]
        nonresident: [3.4201, 3.4167, 3.4133, 3.4099, 3.4065]
    Parking: [22.5, 22.5, 22.5, 22.5, 22.5]
    RTT: [3.278, 3.278, 3.278, 3.278, 3.278]
    Sales: [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
        resident: [3.8398, 3.8360, 3.8322, 3.8283, 3.8245]
        nonresident: [3.4201, 3.4167, 3.4133, 3.4099, 3.4065]
    Wage: 62.4
    NPT: 47.2
net_income_fraction: [72.7, 72.3, 71.5, 70.6, 69.6]


If the data in the YAML file does not match the schema, an error will be raised when the analysis runs.


  • kind: Either 'Proposed' or 'Adopted'
  • fiscal_years: The fiscal years in the Plan (should be a list of length 5)
  • revenues: The 5-year projected revenues for each tax:
    • Amusement
    • BIRT
    • NPT
    • Parking
    • RTT
    • Sales
    • Wage
  • rates: The 5-year projected tax rates for each tax
    • For Wage and NPT, you must specify the resident and nonresident rates
    • For BIRT, you must specify the net_income and gross_receipts rates
  • resident_fractions: The fraction of the tax base from residents for the Wage and Net Profits taxes
  • net_income_fraction: The fraction of the total BIRT revenues that come from the net income portion


For more information about how to create this file for a specific Plan year, see the section on updating data sources.